Sending Love & Light: a message from BSIDELDN's team

The year of... It’s been a crazy year so far so I thought I would pen a note to all our followers, First of all I would like to thank all of you for your support over the years it’s much appreciated.How have you all been coping with this new world which has come upon us? For me it’s been an interesting time, I was actually finding the whole design process very difficult to maintain due to the speed of the industry, as a designer for over twenty years (OLD SKOOL) I found the pace way to fast and combining that with the guilt of working on something too long and missing the moment.

I originally fell in love with fashion/art because there was no wrong or right in a sense so it put me in a category where i felt comfortable. I think we have to turn this into a positive thing and recreate and go back to the drawing board of life and find our true purpose as creatives and humans use this time to research, love, and pursuit of our individual happiness.